厂 chang3 factory
术 shu4 technique, method
奇 qi2 weird, strange
传 chuan2 to pass along; biography (w.p. zhuan4)
尚 shang4 still, yet; vogue, trend
味 wei4 taste
售 shou4 to sell
词 ci2 word; ci (a literary genre)
扣 kou4 button (on clothes, not on instrument); buckle; 扣留(liu2) to detain
搞 gao3 to do, to work; to do in a messy way, to mess up
君 jun1 Sir, Mr.
改 gai3 to correct, to improve, to change
徐 xu2 (a common surname); slowly
盖 gai4 cover, to cover
团 tuan2 ball that is wrapped into (the shape of); troupe, group of people
石 shi2 stone, rock
委 wei3 commission
销 xiao1 sales
册 ce4 volume (as in "Vol. 1"); bookkeeping record
筛 shai1 sieve
环 huan2 loop, hoop
板 ban3 board, plank
揉 rou2 to knead
富 fu4 rich

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