Osvald Sirén的中文名

每日頭條读到“為何應是「喜龍仁」?——兼談近代來華人士的漢名”。 瑞典人Osvald Sirén为中国艺术史做出卓越贡献,但他的名字在2016年时才因国内多家出版社出版他的著作而广为人知(他的著作版权于2016年过期)。文章指出,北京燕山出版社1985年出版了他的《北京的城牆和城門》,他的名字被译为奧斯伍爾德·喜仁龍,但民國十八年八月十日的內政部指令中稱其為「瑞典人喜龍仁」,因此认为“喜龙仁”是正确的。为此,我查了维基百科,采用的是“喜龙仁”。我想,既然他1928至1945年间担任过瑞典国家博物馆绘画与雕塑部馆长(瑞典语作Intendent,英语译作Curator又作Keeper),那我不妨与博物馆联系询问他有无自己认可的汉语名:

To: Forskning <forskningen@nationalmuseum.se>
Subject: Question about Osvald Sirén's Chinese name

Dear Sir/Madame,

Osvald Sirén "was Keeper of painting and sculpture at (Swedish) Nationalmuseum 1928-1945. He died in Stockholm, aged 87" according to Wikipedia. He published a number of books on Chinese art, which have just been appreciated in China. He has a Chinese name. But Chinese scholars as well as amateurs disagree on which name is the correct one. Do you happen to have any record on this? Most Western sinologists or scholars with an interest in Chinese history or culture gave themselves a Chinese name or had one given. Wikipedia appears to take the most common one, 喜龍仁. But this is debated. For example, the Chinese architectural historian Liang Sicheng (梁思成) called him 喜瑞仁. If your Museum had a record left by him with his name in Chinese and appeared to be endorsed by him, it would be *the correct* one.

博物馆研究部(Forskning)回信说,Sirén关于中国艺术的文件大多已转到斯德哥尔摩東方博物館,并将我的email转给東方博物館,研究Sirén二十年的馆长Si Han博士简短地回复说:他的中文名字是“喜龍仁”,其他任何名字都是错的。

很遗憾,我本来以为可以从喜龙仁在博物馆担任馆长时留下的遗物上找到中文名(无论是他亲笔写的或他人写但被他认可的),但看来这是不可能的。他的汉语名是谁起的也无从知晓。从读音看,Si-显然对映“喜”,-rén当对映“仁”。Osvald是北欧丹麦、挪威、瑞典人名,英文中作Oswald,其中os在古英语中意思是“神”,-wald在古英语中拼作weald意思是“力”、power,Osvald或Oswald译作“龙”可谓巧译!那么,如果按照先译姓后译名的规则,显然“喜仁龙”或“喜仁·龙”是合理的,而“喜龙仁”却把名“龙”插在两个姓译字中间了。不过,中国近代史上音译与中国稍有关系的西人人名的惯例是只取一字译姓,即便原姓氏有多音节,比如英国汉学家Joseph Needham译为“李约瑟”(忽略-dham或-ham),那么Osvald Sirén当译为“喜龙”(或“席龙”、“习龙”、“郗龙”、“司龙”,假如要用百家姓或较常见姓氏的话)。



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