这篇文章已经在简体汉字的网站上传开了,得花一点时间才能找到原作者,但似乎还没有不人云亦云的。这事情一读便让人生疑。在网上查"blue whale"和"chiang kai-shek"唯一找到的一篇在 http://www.republicanchina.org/MoneyTrail.html 说 Communist records claimed that assassination was under Stilwell order, code-named "Blue Whale", for the time period of March 1944 when Chiang Kai-shek was expected to inspect on Chinese army in India. The truth was that Roosevelt dispatched a WWI-era ace to take the assassination order to Stilwell who passed it on to Frank Dorn. Though *Roosevelt did not give the go-ahead order*, Stilwell and his cronies apparently took advantage of every possibility to sabotage the cause of Chiang Kai-shek. 两*是我加的。"蓝鲸"一词在英语里基本只有可能是blue whale.用关键词"blue whale"和"chiang kai-shek"只找到那一篇文章,并且它明确指出是Communist records.这使得"蓝鲸"行动一说有疑点. 另,在books.google.com上查,可以看到 The China-Burma-India campaign, 1931-1945: historiography and annotated, by Eugene L. Rasor "some outrageous claims are made, such as Stilwell was ordered to assassinate Chiang" Frank Dorn的书"Walkout; with Stilwell in Burma"被“罗斯福曾下令杀掉蒋介石”引用。我手头没有这本书,但在books.google.com上可查到片断: 258 pages - Snippet view "Whatever it is." "Well, here goes then. I have been directed to prepare a plan for the assassination of Chiang Kai-shek." "Assassinate him?" I asked incredulously. "The order did not say to kill him," Stilwell stated flatly. 根据 http://www.theaerodrome.com/forum/1999/7080-rickenbackers-secret.html 罗斯福向Stilwell传指令可能是由Eddie Rickenbacker完成的。见Rickenbacker的自传 p.363, Prentice Hall 1967。 关山月先生有一篇颇为客观的文章: http://club.kdnet.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=64&id=2639307 作者最后一段谈到暗杀蒋介石计划,但一字未提罗斯福,只是在小标题里提到美国政府。我本人想,罗斯福是小心谨慎或有点胆怯的人,说他有暗杀蒋介石的想法实在 难以置信。别的我不评论,我只想指出"罗斯福曾下令杀掉蒋介石"一文的疑点,包括在英文文献中找不到的“蓝鲸”行动。 总之,“罗斯福曾下令杀掉蒋介石”不是史家的共识,说Stilwell下令杀掉蒋介石恐怕更正确。 2010年9月
[2010-10-4 update]
周军先生的文章 http://zhoujun.blshe.com/post/349/14614 对“罗斯福要暗杀蒋介石”一文进行了追踪溯源。简言之,文章源自《环球时报》 (2007-01-19 第13版),后者源自1991年人民出版社出版的《大国之魂》和2000年黄河出版社出版的《烟雨金陵》,这两本书是曲解1982年由商务印书馆翻译出版的《美国十字军在中国》(Michael Schaller, "The U.S. Crusade In China, 1938-1945")而附会的。
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