Blackberry for Oracle users I. Secure shell, the tool to support users any time anywhere The best may be BBSSH ( The trick to make a successful connection is to set Connection Type to BES (Corporate), not TCP/IP. Once connected, you can set the font to the smallest you can read, such as Lucida Console 6x9. With this font, one line may hold 53 characters on Bold and 80 on Torch (after you login, type `stty -a' and check cols value). On Torch, hold BB horizontally and you'll have even a longer line. Once you're inside sqlplus, it helps to "set linesize 53" ("set lin 53" for short) if your cmdline can only hold 53 characters. I like Show Input Window, and Hybrid Input Mode. Show Input Window allows you to see what you type including password, and send the command to the terminal in one shot. It helps if your connection is slow so you don't wait for each character you typed to echo back. You may need to type "!stty ease ^H" (where ^H is Control-H) inside sqlplus to use Backspace for character delete. Since there's no copy and paste on screen, use Sqlplus c (change), a (append), / (run) commands extensively. Install rlwrap and alias sqlplus to "rlwrap sqlplus" so you can scroll up. (see below) key is Ctrl. So Ctrl-c is and then c. (You don't have to hold down .) There's no key; the built-in shortcut is followed by currency (i.e. $). (To auto-complete a path, in addition to pressing TAB, you can also just type * if it can be unambiguously resolved.) To scroll up by one line (as you would do by pressing UP key on a standard keyboard), slide finger on on the middle button up. In BASH, to move cursor left, press Ctrl-b. To move right, Ctrl-f. (b for back and f for forward). To Jump to the line beginning, Ctrl-a. To line end, Ctrl-e. More shortcuts are at Install rlwrap somewhere in $PATH. Create a script named very short e.g. `s' with this line: /usr/local/bin/rlwrap /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db/bin/sqlplus "$@" then you can type "s user@conn" to connect. Saving typing is important when you use BBSSH. BBSSH quickly times out and disconnects the session when idle. You can increase "Client Keepalive Interval". Or if you just want to temporarily prevent timeout in your current session, run a program that updates screen. If your keepalive interval is 60 seconds, run `top' or `'top -d 59' will do the trick. [New: Unfortunately, BBSSH is no longer available from any web site. Contact me for instructions on installing it.] II. Web browser Blackberry browser (on BB Curve) and Opera can access, which is really just SR page for mobile phone: III. Connect browser to PC Make sure to use the thicker USB cable; the thinner one can only charge but not sync media. Make sure Blackberry Device Manager service is started. Or Blackberry Desktop Manager won't detect connection. (Portable Device Enumerator service is not needed.)