How can I Find End User Connecting to Oracle When v$session Shows "JDBC Thin Client"? If you use middleware software such as Weblogic, Oracle v$session.program column shows "JDBC Thin Client" and the terminal column shows "unknown". The way to trace back to where this connection comes from is by looking at the Oracle SQL*Net listener log. First look at v$session.logon_time with granularity down to seconds select to_char(logon_time, 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss') from v$session where program like 'JDBC%'; or preferably alter session set nls_date_format = 'yyyymmdd hh24:mi:ss'; select * from v$session where program like 'JDBC%'; Then view the listener log ("lsnrctl stat | grep Log" in UNIX to locate it). Find the exact time corresponding to the time the above SQL statement returns. The entry may look like 17-DEC-2000 10:56:46 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=ORCL)(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=__jdbc__)(US ER=oracle))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * estab lish * ORCL * 0 That IP address is that of the machine that made the connection! If you want to go one more step to identify the user, and if the Messenger service on the remote computer is running, go to DOS and type this command to see NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table nbtstat -A Note that it's capital 'A'. Look at the lines that have <03> as the second field. You'll probably see two or more of them, the first one for the computer name, the others or the second and probably the last line for the user. YONGXH <03> UNIQUE Registered If the number of users is more than one, that computer may be a server which multiple users are logged on. If nbtstat does not give you anything, it means the messenger service is stopped on the remote machine. Try psloggedon \\clientmachineIPorHostname (download psloggedon from Sysinternals or Or the JDBC connection did not come from a Windows machine. Try nslookup instead. It should return the hostname for that IP address. If not, it simply means that the system administrator hasn't assigned a name to it yet, which does happen sometimes.