The job owner is the user who imports the dump file, not the schema owner of the job. (Therefore, if you decide to remove the job, you have to login as the job owner. But dropping the schema will remove the job fine.) SQL> create user yong identified by yong; User created. SQL> grant dba to yong; Grant succeeded. SQL> conn yong/yong Connected. SQL> create procedure p as begin null; end; 2 / Procedure created. SQL> var job number SQL> exec dbms_job.submit(:job,'p;',sysdate+1) PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. --Note that log_user, priv_user and schema_user are all YONG SQL> select job, log_user, priv_user, schema_user from user_jobs; JOB LOG_USER PRIV_USER ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SCHEMA_USER ------------------------------ 382 YONG YONG YONG SQL> select name from v$database; NAME --------- PDEV SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production JServer Release - Production $ exp sys file=yongtest.dmp owner=yong Export: Release - Production on Tue Nov 12 13:12:52 2002 ... About to export YONG's objects ... ... . exporting job queues ... Export terminated successfully without warnings. $ . oraenv ORACLE_SID = [pdev] ? po9d $ sqlplus SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Nov 12 13:13:10 2002 (c) Copyright 2001 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: / as sysdba Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production SQL> create user yong identified by yong; User created. SQL> grant dba to yong; Grant succeeded. SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production $ imp \'sys as sysdba\' file=yongtest.dmp fromuser=yong touser=yong #importing as SYS, not YONG Import: Release - Production on Tue Nov 12 13:14:22 2002 ... . importing YONG's objects into YONG Import terminated successfully without warnings. $ sqlplus SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Nov 12 13:15:08 2002 (c) Copyright 2001 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: yong/yong Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning option JServer Release - Production SQL> select job, log_user, priv_user, schema_user from user_jobs; no rows selected SQL> select job, log_user, priv_user, schema_user from dba_jobs where schema_user = 'YONG'; JOB LOG_USER PRIV_USER ---------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SCHEMA_USER ------------------------------ 382 SYS SYS <-- Note both users are SYS, not YONG YONG <-- But SCHEMA_USER is still YONG SQL> conn yong/yong Connected. SQL> exec dbms_job.remove(382) BEGIN dbms_job.remove(382); END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-23421: job number 382 is not a job in the job queue ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 86 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_IJOB", line 526 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 169 ORA-06512: at line 1 SQL> conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL> drop user yong cascade; User dropped. SQL> select * from dba_jobs where schema_user = 'YONG'; no rows selected Of course you can also create a procedure in YONG's schema to remove his job without dropping him or knowing his password. create procedure yong.tmp as begin --382 is the job number execute immediate 'begin dbms_job.remove(382); end;' end; / exec yong.tmp SEE ALSO: particularly messages 3 and 5.