IMPORTANT: Remember to check the index for UNUSABLE status after LOB movement --move LOB only alter table scott.blobs move lob (doc) store as (tablespace tbname); --move table and LOB alter table scott.blobs move tablespace tbname lob (doc) store as (tablespace tbname); alter table scott.blobs modify lob (doc) store as (tablespace tbname); alter table scott.blobs modify lob (doc) (storage (maxextents unlimited)); alter table scott.blobs modify lob (doc) (storage (freelists 5)); alter table scott.blobs modify lob (doc) (allocate extent); --if partitions are involved (query dba_lob_partitions instead of dba_lobs first) alter table AUDIT_OWNER.AUDIT_DATA move partition P201610 lob (SQLBIND) store as (tablespace audit_data_reorg0); References: How To Move A LOB Index To Another Tablespace ? (Doc ID 871203.1) How To Move Or Rebuild A Lob Partition (Doc ID 761388.1) --The following statement can be used to alter the default tablespace for a LOB (Note 114915.1): alter table modify default attributes lob () (tablespace ); --Can't shrink datafile. Find what is at the end of it. create table yong_dbaextents as select * from dba_extents where tablespace_name = 'AUDIT_DATA'; col segment_name for a30 select owner, segment_type, segment_name, partition_name, bytes, file_id, block_id from yong_dbaextents where file_id = 5 and block_id > 1000000 order by block_id;