Trace network operation of a session I was trying to find a way to trace network operations of a session sending an email from inside Oracle. First I tested strace -f -e trace=network -p on the server process. But the output was too verbose and "chatty" to be useful. I searched and found a number of documents and bug reports such as Random/Sporadic/Intermittent "ORA-29278: SMTP transient error: 421 Service not available" Errors (Doc ID 1435323.1) Bug 6140957 : ORA-29279: SMTP PERMANENT ERROR USING UTL_MAIL AND ZMAILER SMTP SERVER where they talked about event 10590 set at level 14. This event is $ oerr ora 10590 10590, 00000, "kga (argus debugger) test flags" // *Cause: // *Action: set this event only under the supervision of Oracle development Google search shows that the argus debugger is generally used for network tracing and debugging. Oracle used to publish ORA-600 Lookup Error Categories (Doc ID 175982.1) where a bunch of kga* functions are related to "support for Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) and debugging facilites". Anyway, here's my test in --after granting execute on utl_smtp to me (since we don't grant it to public) CREATE PROCEDURE send_mail ( sender IN VARCHAR2, recipient IN VARCHAR2, subject IN VARCHAR2, message IN VARCHAR2) IS mailhost VARCHAR2(30) := ''; mail_conn utl_smtp.connection; crlf VARCHAR2( 2 ):= CHR( 13 ) || CHR( 10 ); mesg VARCHAR2( 1000 ); BEGIN mail_conn := utl_smtp.open_connection(mailhost, 25); mesg:= 'Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || crlf || 'From: <'||sender||'>' || crlf || 'Subject: '||subject || crlf || 'To: '||recipient || crlf || '' || crlf || message; utl_smtp.helo(mail_conn, mailhost); utl_smtp.mail(mail_conn, sender); utl_smtp.rcpt(mail_conn, recipient);, mesg); utl_smtp.quit(mail_conn); END; / alter session set events '10590 trace name context forever, level 14'; exec send_mail('', '', 'test mail', 'Hello, this is a test!') alter session set events '10590 trace name context off'; The trace file is quite readable: kgasct_connect_tcp kgasiu_init_uga kgassn_setup_ns kgassg_setup_gbh kgassg_setup_gbh: initialized gbh 0x000000000DB596B0 kgasct_connect_tcp: connecting NS (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= kgasct_connect_tcp: nscall conn 0 conn_ns 0 65535 8192 8182 f4ffe9ff 6014 e881 0 7f08 kgasct_connect_tcp: 0 0x0000000000000000 kgasr_recv 0 1024 0 -1 -1 kgasra_recv_avail 0 4294967295 kgasra_recv_avail: 0 conns found with events kgasra_recv_avail: 1 conns found with events kgasra_recv_avail: conn_ns 0 event 2 kgasra_recv_avail: 1 0 2 kgasr_recv: read 95 oer 0 kgasr_recv: 95 oer 0 kgasr_recv: 50 2 50 2 48 0 32 109 m 97 a 105 i 108 l ... kgasr_recv: 77 M 105 i 99 c 114 r 111 o 115 s 111 o 102 f kgasr_recv: 116 t 32 69 E 83 S 77 M 84 T 80 P 32 kgasr_recv: 77 M 65 A 73 I 76 L 32 83 S 101 e 114 r kgasr_recv: 118 v 105 i 99 c 101 e 32 114 r 101 e 97 a kgasr_recv: 100 d 121 y 32 97 a 116 t 32 77 M 111 o kgasr_recv: 110 n 44 , 32 50 2 57 9 32 83 S 101 e kgasr_recv: 112 p 32 50 2 48 0 49 1 52 4 32 49 1 kgasr_recv: 52 4 58 : 53 5 55 7 58 : 52 4 51 3 32 kgasr_recv: 45 - 48 0 53 5 48 0 48 0 13 10 kgass_send 0 26 0 kgass_send: 26 0 0 26 0 kgass_send: 72 H 69 E 76 L 79 O 32 109 m 97 a 105 i kgass_send: 108 l 46 . ... ... All SMTP commands and responses are shown. Reply codes such as 220 are documented at But of course this event can be used to trace other types of network activity (but not Oracle Net or DB link activity). Here's a trace on another session, which has sid and serial# 432, 41465, respetively: In monitoring session: exec dbms_system.set_ev(432,41465,10590,14,'') In the traced session: SQL> select utl_http.request('') from dual; UTL_HTTP.REQUEST('HTTP://WWW.ORACLE.COM') -------------------------------------------------------------------------