My own notes on setting up webutil WebUtil allows Oracle forms to interact with client side with higher privilege than normal. It's cool. This is my supplementary note on how to set it up. You can skip most but not all documentation by reading this note. If needed, read more at its homepage at My Oracle_Home is c:\oracle\product\9.0.4\as_1 Download and unzip webutil into c:\temp\webutil Download Jacob Download latest SDK Release notes correction: In signing Jar files DN_* settings are descriptions. Don't need to be changed (step a) Missing word "sign" in front of jacob.jar (step e ) Worry about webutilArchive later (step 4). On the database: create user webutil identified by webutil default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimied on users; grant resource, connect to webutil; revoke unlimited tablespace from webutil; conn webutil/webutil @C:\temp\webutil\forms\create_webutil_db.sql Changes to files c:\temp\webutil\server\webutil.env: ORACLE_HOME=C:\Oracle\product\9.0.4\as_1 FORMS90_PATH=c:\temp\webutil\forms CLASSPATH=c:\temp\webutil\lib\webutil.jar;c:\"Program Files"\Java\j2re1.4.2_06\lib\rt.jar WEBUTIL_CONFIG=c:\temp\webutil\server\webutil.cfg rt.jar is required but is found in many places on this PC (I picked one of them for my CLASSPATH): c:\"Program Files"\Java\j2re1.4.2_06\lib c:\oracle\product\9.0.4\as_1\jdk\jre\lib c:\oracle\product\9.0.4\as_1\jre\1.1.8\lib c:\j2sdk1.4.2_06\jre\lib c:\temp\webutil\server\webutil.cfg is left unchanged. Add this to C:\Oracle\product\9.0.4\as_1\forms90\server\forms90.conf (restart Apache after this): # For WebUtil (20041123) AliasMatch ^/forms90/webutil/(..*) "c:/temp/webutil/lib/$1" And this to formsweb.cfg: [webutil] webUtilArchive=/forms90/webutil/webutil.jar,/forms90/webutil/jacob.jar WebUtilLogging=off WebUtilLoggingDetail=normal WebUtilErrorMode=Alert baseHTMLjinitiator=c:\temp\webutil\server\webutiljini.htm baseHTMLjpi=c:\temp\webutil\server\webutiljpi.htm baseHTML=c:\temp\webutil\server\webutilbase.htm archive_jini=f90all_jinit.jar archive=f90all.jar lookAndFeel=oracle width=100% height=100% envFile=c:\temp\webutil\server\webutil.env Download the demo file from Make necessary changes per ReadMe.html Under DOS, type: set forms90_builder_classpath=c:\temp\webutil\lib\webutil.jar set forms90_path=c:\temp\webutil\forms C:\Oracle\product\9.0.4\as_1\bin\ifcmp90 (Note that forms90_path points to the *directory* where forms and webutil.olb are, not to the files.) Then in forms builder, open the form C:\temp\webutil\forms\WU_TEST_105.fmb, fill in DB connection webutil/webutil@myDB and compile. WU_TEST_105.fmx is created in the same folder. (If you get FRM-18122, it could be because you launched forms builder without those environment variables. You can also set them in Control Panel or registry. Then you don't have to launch builder from the same DOS window where you typed the SET commands). Add to [webutil] section of C:\Oracle\product\9.0.4\as_1\forms90\server\formsweb.cfg: form=C:\temp\webutil\forms\WU_TEST_105 Restart OC4J_BI_Forms in EM (or %oracle_home%\opmn\bin\opmnctl restartproc uniqueid=867696666, where uniqueid is uid value in opmnctl status -l output) Run the form in browser: http://server:port/forms90/f90servlet?config=webutil