---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Remove space in file names sh for i in *; do mv "$i" "`echo $i | sed 's/ //g'`" done or one line: for i in *; do mv "$i" "`echo $i | sed 's/ //g'`"; done ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Which root processes use the most RSS? ps -u root -opid=,rss= | sort -nr -k 2,2 | head -5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Red Hat 4, sum of Oracle $ORACLE_SID instance process resident memory (supposedly private) SGA= #by David Herring (http://www.freelists.org/post/oracle-l/AW-Query-on-Linux-top-command-for-oracle-user,14) ((SGA/=1024)) ps -u oracle -o rss,cmd | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -vE '(PID|grep)' | sed -e 's/^ *//' | awk '{SUMRSS+=($1-SGA)} END {print SUMRSS/1048576"GB\n"}' #Bad command, don't use: (for i in `ps -fu oracle | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`; do echo "`ps -orss= -p $i`*1024-$SGA" | bc; done) | awk '{sumrss+=$1} END {print sumrss}' #Red Hat 4, top 10 Oracle $ORACLE_SID instance processes ordered by resident memory SGA= #by David Herring ((SGA/=1024)) echo "PID MB COMMAND" ps -u oracle -o pid,rss,cmd | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -v grep | awk '{printf("%-5s %-4d %s\n", $1, ($2-SGA)/1024, $3)}' | sort -nr -k2,2 | head -10 #Bad command, don't use: (for i in `ps -fu oracle | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`; do echo -n "$i "; echo "`ps -orss= -p $i`*1024-$SGA" | bc; done) | sort -k2 -nr | head For Red Hat 5, Oracle SGA should not be subtracted from process resident memory. So the two commands above are changed to: #based on David Herring (http://www.freelists.org/post/oracle-l/AW-Query-on-Linux-top-command-for-oracle-user,14) ps -u oracle -o rss,cmd | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -vE '(PID|grep)' | sed -e 's/^ *//' | awk '{SUMRSS+=$1} END {print SUMRSS/1048576"GB\n"}' echo "PID MB COMMAND" ps -u oracle -o pid,rss,cmd | grep $ORACLE_SID | grep -v grep | awk '{printf("%-5s %-4d %s\n", $1, $2/1024, $3)}' | sort -nr -k2,2 | head -10 If mmon uses significantly more memory than others, kill -9 the process. It won't crash instance (`ps eww ' shows SKGP_HIDDEN_ARGS= june_history.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'cat_files_into_one.vbs 'cat (concatinate) all files in the current folder to one file, named as arg to this script. 'Put this script in a folder other than the current (or it would also be cat'ed into the result file) 'Usage: Set colFiles = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(".").Files For Each objFile in colFiles filelist = filelist + " " + objFile.Name Next WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").run "cmd.exe /c type " + filelist + " > " + WScript.Arguments.Item(0) + " 2>nul:" WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").run "cmd.exe /c del d:\temp\empty\*" rem catv.bat (for %%i in (..\\empty\\f_*) do @echo file %%i) > catvi.txt ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i catvi.txt -c copy %1.flv >nul 2>&1 ren %1.flv "%1." del catvi.txt del ..\empty\*