login as: root root@misfbb10-39.mdacc.tmc.edu's password: Last login: Tue Feb 17 20:52:36 2009 from [root@risfbb-39 ~]# cat note * Installing new kernel http://linuxgazette.net/111/krishnakumar.html cd /usr/src/kernels #wget the desired kernerl (get the URL from kernel.org homepage, the link "Full Source") wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux- tar xvjf linux- df -m . #not here?: make menuconfig cd linux- make menuconfig make dep crsctl stop crs #if not done make bzImage make modules make modules_install make install df -m uname -a view /bootgrub/grub.conf init 6 * Starting Oracle #Run as root. Sometimes these commands in /etc/rc.local are not run for some reason. chown oracle.dba /dev/raw/raw1 chown oracle.dba /dev/raw/raw2 chown oracle.dba /dev/raw/raw3 chown oracle.dba /dev/raw/raw4 chown oracle.dba /dev/raw/raw5 #For very strange reason, these commands don't work well in /etc/inittab. So run them on cmdline. /etc/init.d/init.evmd run & /etc/init.d/init.cssd fatal & /etc/init.d/init.crsd run & #Wait a while. Run as oracle # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A script at ~oracle/startBOY.sh can be run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . oraenv +ASM1 sqlplus / as sysdba startup lsnrctl start . oraenv BOY sqlplus / as sysdba startup