



怎样记字最快?How to memorize characters the fastest way?
几年前我看过一个吉利斯纪录的电视节目。世界上记忆力最好的人能把45个不同的东西按几分钟前呈现给他看的顺序背出来。节目主持人问他有什么诀窍,他说,关键是要想出或编造出与那样东西有关的情景;如果我需要记住闹钟然后毛巾,我就想象早晨闹钟把我闹醒了,我起来用毛巾洗脸。 There was a Guinness World Record show a few years ago, where "the person with the best memory in the world" can name the 45 different items in the order they had been shown to him earlier. The host for the show asked him for any trick he used. He said the key is to come up with or conjure up a scene related to the items; if I need to remember an alarm clock then a towel, I imagine the clock wakes me up and I get up to wash with the towel.
这个诀窍被我用到了几乎每一个中文字的学习中。不要以为来源于象形字甲骨文的中文还可以借助字形来帮助记忆。不错,很少数的字还可以,例如“雨”,“火”,“田”,等。但绝大多数的字已经不象形了。我可是曾经专门学过小篆,背过《新华字典》,偶尔翻一翻《说文解字》的那种"古董"。我还是不得不承认用那位“世界上记忆力最好的人”的办法仍然比找到一个字的原本含义更能帮助晶晶。通常是我跟她一起找新字的clue或hint。这里举几个例,请别笑话。 I've used this trick in learning almost all Chinese characters. It's silly to assume the characters, evolved from pictographs, hieroglyphs and Oracle bones, can be memorized based on their shapes and forms. Sure, very few can, such as 雨 (rain), 火 (fire), 田 (field). But by far the most no longer preserve the shapes and forms. I'm a "learned" man, having studied the Seal characters used two millennia ago, memorized the Xinhua Dictionary and occarionally consulted Shuowen Jiezi. But I have to admit that the method used by "the person with the best memory in the world" is superior to finding the etymology of a character in helping my daughter study. We normally look for a clue or hint together, as follows for example. No laughing please.
东: The two dots are like dripping water. What sound does dripping make?
很: "hen" in English is a hen. Isn't the left side like her feathers and lower right like her leg and paws? So you remember "hen" is 很 in Chinese.
从来没有人编一本中文联想记忆字典把像上面这些荒诞的联想汇集起来。 毫无疑问,这些荒诞的联想因人而异,而且有时绞尽脑汁也想不出一个好主意,加之这些联想在字已经牢牢记住后就没有用了。但你仔细想一想,这本荒诞的字典有很高的应用价值,它可能是让你快速记汉字的唯一方法。 Never has anyone gathered these imaginations or association of ideas and compiled an imaginative memory dictionary of the Chinese characters.note Undoubtedly, these absurd imaginations are unique to each person, and sometimes no imagination is good enough for a specific character, and further, these imaginations become useless as soon as the said character is firmly committed into memory. But, if you think about it, this absurd dictionary is of high practical value. It may be the only way to help you memorize Chinese characters in a short time.

注 note
[2012-05 Update]
Alison Matthews, Laurence Matthews Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters published in 2007 is exactly what I was dreaming of.

(C)2005,2006 黄勇, yong321@yahoo.com

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