Multi-Language Spell-Checker
Suppose you write a document in English with lots of Spanish words and sentences. A regular spell checker would highlight most Spanish words as misspelled. The best way to find true Englush and also Spanish misspellings is to enable simultaneous multi-language spell checker. Google's Chrome browser provides this functionality with a plug-in. (Reference)
In the Chrome browser, go to Settings → Show Advanced Settings → Languages and input settings → Add, and choose Spanish (Espaņol), click Use this language for spell checking. After that, then you can go to the address bar and type
chrome://flags/#enable-multilingual-spellcheckerin the Web address bar (as if it was a URL). Enable the multilingual spellchecker plugin. Then you can go to anywhere in your browser where you can type text and see if it's enabled. Say, you go to Google homepage where you can do a search. Type
ayuno asyuno fasting fastinggyou should see asyuno and fastingg underlined with red wavelines.
When that works, use Notepad to create a file called (e.g.) textarea.html with these lines:
<html> <body> <textarea style="width:100%;height:100%"> </textarea> </body> </html>Make sure the file has the extension .html, not .html.txt. Open it with Chrome. You'll get a big text input box. Paste your text written in mixed English and Spanish into it. Wrong spellings in either language will be red-underlined.
This works with English and other languages as well.
Mar 2016
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